No more snow plows

No more snow plows
I know, this is really a snow shovel, but you get the idea!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

This blog highlights the wasteful government spending out there. Like, here in Michigan we spend our hard earned tax dollars on snow plows every winter. GIVE ME A BREAK! Every time I drive around after a big snowstorm, the roads seem just fine to me. I say get rid of those plows and give the money back to the people so we can decide for ourselves where the snow in Michigan goes. And no more salt on the roads either. Salt is unhealthy anyway.

Inevitably, after I get done shoveling my driveway, a city snow plow will come through and block the entire end of the driveway. So, I say, get rid of all those snow plows. Some people might think this whole notion is absurd. Oh yeah! Just so you know, snow eventually melts and we’ll be snow free once it’s spring.

Please! Send me more ideas that we could be saving money and stop all that government spending.